Multilingual Learners at Monmouth-Roseville CUSD 238
Over 30% of students in the Monmouth-Roseville school district speak a language other than English at home, and 20% of our students are English Learners (ELs). This means their English is not yet developed enough to participate and achieve in English-only classrooms without support and continued instruction in English Language Development. Our students speak over 16 different languages and represent 19 different birth countries.
Our district offers two types of services for ELs, English Language Development (ELD) and Dual Language education. All ELs receive ELD instruction in either a self-contained classroom or through co-teaching and/or instructional blocks taught by an EL teacher who has received specialized training. Through the Dual Language program, students receive instruction in English and in their native language, Spanish, from K through 6th grade with a focus on literacy in both Spanish and English. For more information regarding Multilingual Services in MR238, please review our program brochure in English, Spanish, French, and Haka Chin.