District 238 implemented the Illinois State Seal of Biliteracy and the Commendation toward Biliteracy during the 2019-2020 school year for students who attain proficiency in English and another language. The seal appears on the transcript and diploma of each eligible graduating senior and is a statement of accomplishment to future employers, colleges and universities.
Since 2020, 80 students have earned an Illinois biliteracy award:
Multilingual learners are the most rapidly-growing population in our district, and we are committed to celebrating and capitalizing on their cultural and linguistic assets. Our language programs aim to develop students into confident, multicultural, and biliterate adults who can actively contribute in their global world. The Seal of Biliteracy and Commendation toward Biliteracy affirm the district’s commitment to these goals. Additionally, these awards:
1. Encourage all students to study other languages.
2. Increase employment and earning opportunities through formal recognition and
measurement of language and biliteracy skills.
3. Increase academic opportunities by providing colleges and universities a method to
recognize and give college credit for attainment of high level skills in another language.
Public colleges and universities in the state of Illinois are required to accept the State Seal of Biliteracy as equivalent to 2 years of foreign language coursework taken during high school and award college credit if a student's high school transcript indicates that he or she will be receiving or has received the State Seal of Biliteracy. See House Bill 4330 for more information.
A student will receive the Seal of Biliteracy if he/she attains a composite score (including listening, reading, speaking, and writing) equivalent to “Intermediate High” on the AAPPL language exam AND demonstrates English proficiency on either the SAT, ACT, AAPPL or ACCESS exams. A student will receive the Commendation toward Biliteracy if he/she fails to meet the requirements of the Seal but attains a composite score (including listening, reading, speaking, and writing) equivalent to “Intermediate Low” on the AAPPL language exam AND demonstrates English proficiency on either the SAT, ACT, AAPPL or ACCESS exams. All costs associated with the program are paid for by the district. For more information regarding the Seal of Biliteracy, visit https://www.isbe.net/sealofbiliteracy.