August 2023
Parents and Guardians, make sure your email & phone # are correct in Skyward Q. If your email or phone # changed, log into the parent portal of SkywardQ or call your child's school to update your information.

The district uses the following platforms to communicate with families.
ALL school announcements will be posted on the school website and school calendar. The school website is also available as an app.
This platform communicates with families via text, phone or email. It is mostly used for attendance calls, emergency announcements or other mass messages.
TalkingPoints is a two-way communication platform with built-in translation to and from the parent/guardian primary language! It is used for classroom announcements, teacher check-ins and parent communication. TalkingPoints is also available as an app.
Communication may also be sent via the student information system, SkywardQ. Staff can mass email or individually contact students, entire classes, and parents via email. SkywardQ is available in an app.
Each school and many clubs and organizations utilize social media to support school communication. Social media accounts are used to support and share announcements from school calendars and websites.